The Life of St. Ignatius

St. Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556)

Early Life of St. Ignatius

Loyola Ignatius popularly called Inigo  was born in 1491 in Azpeitia in the Basque province in northern Spain. He was the youngest of thirteen children. At the age of sixteen, he was at court of the king and very much exposed to worldly pleasures.  For 11 years Ignatius learned skills of administration, diplomacy, arms and courtly manners. Next came his service with the Duke of Nájera, viceroy of the northern part of the Kingdom of Navarre which bordered on France. At the age of 30 ( 1521)  he fought courageously  in the battle between the Spaniards and the French for the honor of Spain but unfortunately,  was wounded at one leg and broke the other. Thereafter his health  grew worse and was finally told by the doctors that he should prepare for death. On the feast of Saints Peter and Paul (29 June) the leg miraculously healed. But one leg was shorter than the other. Ignatius who was very conscious of his appearance asked the doctors to do another operation.  All of this was done without anesthesia. Unfortunately, this was not a successful one. All his life he walked with a limp because one leg was shorter than the other.

Conversion of St. Ignatius
During the long weeks of his healing, he was extremely bored and asked for some romance novels to pass the time. Luckily there were none in the castle of Loyola, but there was a copy of the life of Christ and a book on the Saints. Desperate, Ignatius began to read them. The more he read, the more he considered the lives of the Saints worth imitating. However, at the same time he continued to have daydreams of fame and glory. But these day dreams brought him dissatisfaction and disturbance of mind. This  experience was the beginning of his conversion. In 1522 he left his home and decided to go to Jerusalem to live where our Lord had spent his life on earth.

He proceeded to the Benedictine shrine of Our Lady of Montserrat, made a general confession, and knelt all night in vigil before Our Lady's altar. He left his sword and knife at the altar, went out and gave away all his fine clothes to a poor man, and dressed himself in rough clothes with sandals and a staff.

The Experience at Manresa
He continued towards Barcelona but stopped at a town called Manresa. He stayed in a cave outside the town. There he remained for ten months. There he wrote the Spiritual Exercises. And he had a vision- an experience which helped Ignatius to find God in everything. This grace, finding God in all things, is one of the central characteristics of Jesuit spirituality.

It was also during this period at Manresa, still lacking in true wisdom concerning holiness, that he undertook many extreme penances.

He finally arrived at Barcelona, took a boat to Italy, and ended up in Rome where he met Pope Adrian VI and requested permission to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Once he arrived in the Holy Land he wanted to remain there rest of his life, but he  was told by the Franciscan superior that the situation was too dangerous. So he departed Holy Land.

The Return to School
By now he was 33 years old and determined to study for the priesthood. However, he was ignorant of Latin, a necessary preliminary to university studies in those days. So he started back to school studying Latin grammar with young boys in a school in Barcelona, Alcalá and Salamanca. His efforts  were fruitless.

 There he begged for his food and shelter. There his zeal to spread the Word of God got him into trouble. He would gather students and adults to explain the Gospels to them and teach them how to pray. and for this,he was thrown into jail for 42 days. When he was released he was told to avoid teaching others. But he could not live without helping souls. Then he moved to  the University of Paris he began his studies  again, studying Latin grammar and literature, philosophy, and theology.

The Company of Jesus ( Society of Jesus)
 It was in Paris he lived in the same room  with Francis Xavier and Peter Faber. He greatly influenced a few other fellow students (Xavier was the hardest nut to crack, interested as he was mainly in worldly success and honors). He  directed all of  them in  Spiritual Exercises. Eventually six of them plus Ignatius decided to take vows of chastity and poverty and to go to the Holy Land. If going to the Holy Land became impossible, they would then go to Rome and place themselves at the disposal of the Pope for whatever he would want them to do.

They did not think of doing this as a religious order or congregation, but as individual priests. While waiting they spent some time ,they worked in hospitals and teaching catechism in various cities of northern Italy. It was during this time that Ignatius was ordained a priest, but he did not say Mass for another year. It is thought that he wanted to say his first Mass in Jerusalem in the land where Jesus himself had lived.

It was here on Christmas morning, 1538, that Ignatius celebrated his first Mass at the church of St. Mary Major in the Chapel of the Manger. It was thought that this chapel had the actual manger from Bethlehem, so, if Ignatius was not going to be able to say his first Mass at Jesus' birthplace in the Holy Land, then this would be the best substitute.

 In 1539 during Lent Ignatius and his companions  decided to form a community with the Pope's approval. They had referred themselves as Companions of Jesus.  On the Friday of Easter week, April 22,1541, at the Church of St. Paul Outside-the-Walls, the friends pronounced their vows in the newly formed Order.

The Last Years
Ignatius, loved  in teaching catechism to children and actively involved directing adults in the Spiritual Exercises, and working among the poor and in hospitals.

He had to  sacrifice this love for the next fifteen years - until his death. Because he was elected as Superior of the Order. He  worked out of two small rooms, his bedroom and next to it his office, directing this new society throughout the world. During his life time the Society of Jesus grow from eight to a thousand members, with colleges and houses all over Europe and as far away as Brazil and Japan. Some of the original companions were to become the Pope's theologians at the Council of Trent, an event which played an important role in the Catholic Counter Reformation.
His communicative skills are admirable. During his lifetime he wrote more than  7000 letters Ignatius considered the correspondence between members of the Jesuits one of the most important elements in fostering unity.

In his letters he treated each one as an individual with great respect. He was overly kind and gentle with those who gave him the most problems.

When we look at the Statue (picture) of Ignatius he is usually portrayed as a severe lawmaker pointing to the book of the Constitutions he wrote to govern the Society of Jesus. But deep in heart he remained as a pilgrim. Simple and humble.

The Jesuits and Schools
Today the Jesuits are well known for education . The Jesuits have 200 Universities in the World. Be it in America, Japan ,Philippines, Europe ,Australia,  India  and rest of the world. The first members had the intention to be at the disposal of the Pope to go where they would be most needed. But in fact, before 1548 Ignatius had opened schools in Italy, Portugal, the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, and India. He found   education was truly one of the most effective way to correct ignorance, corruption and to bring people to God. 

His holiness,  consisted  in his great love for God and  that directed his life to do everything for for the greater glory of God. In his statue we read the words Ad Maiorem Dei Glorium ( A.M.D.G.) meaning  for the greater glory of God.

Last Illness and death.
In the summer of 1556 his health grew worse. On the afternoon of July 30th he asked Polanco his companion to go and get the Pope's blessing for him, suggesting by this to Polanco that he was dying. On July 31st the former worldly courtier and soldier turned his gaze to another court and rendered his soul into the hands of God. Ignatius was beatified on July 27, 1609 and canonized by Pope Gregory XV on March 12, 1622 together with St. Francis Xavier. Ignatius' feast day is celebrated by the universal Church and the Jesuits on July 31, the day he died.

As parishioners of St. Ignatius of Loyola we are ever indebted to the Jesuits who brought gift of Faith to us as their Master who was zealous for souls. At this juncture as we celebrate the Centenary as our patron may he intercede for the grace to live for the greater glory of God and see God in everything. And may many of our younger generation be open to the grace to serve the church and society as he did.

St. Ignatius Pray for us!

References : 
1. Diocese of Kottar Directory – 1983 
2. Kumari Christians – Fr.Narchisan
3. Wikipedia Ramanathichen Puthur 
4. Official Website of Diocese of Kottar 
5. Gazetteer Travancore State Manual – Google Book 
6. Imperial Gazetteer Travancore State 
7. Nemom Mission 
8. Madurai Mission 
9. Jesuits Mission Southern
10. Travels of Jesuits into various parts of the World
11. Christians in South Indian Society – by Susan Bayly (particularly Vadakankulam Christians )
12. Saints, goddess Muslims and Christians in South Indian Society – by Susan Bayly – Google books

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